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Generic approaches just don’t cut it anymore. In the era of workplace evolution, hyper-personalisation emerges as a transformative force, transcending a one-size-fits-all model. Through advanced analytics and AI, employers gain insights into individual preferences, work styles, and career aspirations. From personalised learning paths to adaptable work environments, hyper-personalisation fosters employee engagement and satisfaction. Embracing this trend is not just a technological leap, it’s a commitment to understanding and valuing the unique attributes of each team member. What activities, policies, and infrastructure bring out the best in employees?

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Evi Thonnon


Glenn Van den Steen
Glenn Van den Steen
Michael Neefs
Michael Neefs

Skills and organisational change

The way we work is changing rapidly and few organizations are able to adapt quickly enough to keep up. Many companies are falling into the workforce readiness gap as they struggle to attract, retain and develop their people to fit into the ever-changing new world of work.

A holistic workforce flexibility and skills development strategy is now necessary to overcome these challenges and thus maximize productivity, employee retention and revenue.

In this session we will cover

  • How organisations can develop critical capabilities required for an agile organisation;
  • How to ensure your learning offering is aligned with your business objectives for upskilling and reskilling; and
  • How to successfully implement competency management by leveraging technology and AI.


Veerle Leon
Veerle Leon

Grow your power from within

In an era where one-size-fits-all no longer suffices, hyper-personalisation is transforming the workplace. Telenet’s GROW strategy exemplifies this, empowering employees to continuously learn and chart their own career paths. By integrating ‘Grow on Demand’, an online coaching solution, Telenet ensures everyone receives the support they need: anytime & anywhere. With the power of insights and data, Telenet can proactively identify needs and make adjustments for continuous learning and growth. Join us to explore how hyper-personalisation can revolutionise your workplace and unlock the hidden potential of all of your people. This can increase organisational performance and elevate the moments that matter for your people, and your business — or risk falling behind.


Neelie Verlinden
Neelie Verlinden

The 5 Biggest Recruitment Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

Did you know that 95% of organisations admit that they make bad hires every year? 😲 Join Neelie Verlinden, a renowned Future of Work expert, for an insightful session at the HRtech conference as she delves into the most common pitfalls in the recruitment process. Leveraging her extensive experience and forward-thinking approach, Neelie will identify the five critical mistakes that can hinder your hiring success. In this session you will gain practical solutions and actionable strategies to overcome these challenges, ensuring a more effective and efficient recruitment process. Don’t miss this opportunity to upgrade your hiring practices and stay ahead in the competitive world of talent acquisition.


Ilse Van Autreve
Ilse Van Autreve
Bernadette Laermans
Bernadette Laermans

The IO Leader

  • Discover the power of emotional safety: learn how creating a trusting and emotionally safe work environment can significantly boost employee engagement and performance.
  • Unlock the impact of emotions: understand the crucial role emotions play in influencing behaviour and how they are shaped by our environment, leadership, and personal stimuli.
  • Leadership is about feeling, not just thinking: discover how true leadership involves emotional awareness and connection (from the inside out), enabling you to better understand and support your team’s needs.
  • Drive engagement and performance: find out how you can motivate your employees to go the extra (S)mile by fostering a balanced and growth-oriented culture.

Join us for this transformative session and unlock the hidden potential of your team!


Els Huijgens
Els Huijgens

Destination office, working beyond the conventional office

Our vision centers around How To Work Better, pushing the boundaries of traditional office setups. We believe in creating an environment where innovation and collaboration flourish, fostering a culture that adapts to the evolving needs of employees.
At the core of this vision is our commitment to supporting our employees through a tailored development program.

Discover in this session how to shape the future of work.

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